Sweet potato or also known as sweet potatoes turns out to contain nutrients that can help fight various diseases. Research shows that eating sweet potatoes can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. So, what other benefits can you get from sweet potatoes? Check out the following explanation.
Besides being beneficial to reduce the risk of dangerous diseases, sweet potatoes also have other uses. Especially relating to the increase in body energy and the immune system, as well as weight loss. Sweet potatoes can be processed by boiling, baking, or eating by mashing. These foods taste naturally sweet, so they can be eaten immediately without adding sugar.
Nutrient Content in Sweet Potatoes
Everyone should include sweet potatoes in the list of healthy foods that are consumed daily. Because, these foods contain lots of vitamin A, so it is enough to meet the body's daily needs. In addition, sweet potatoes also provide 37 percent of the body's need for vitamin C. Medium-sized sweet potatoes that have been roasted only have 105 calories, making it suitable for those of you who are undergoing a weight-loss program. Sweet potatoes also contain fiber and contain almost no fat. The content of other important nutrients in sweet potatoes is 25 percent manganese, 14 percent vitamin B6, and 9 percent potassium. In addition, sweet potatoes contain other nutrients that are not less important benefits, such as:Choline
Choline is a versatile substance that is very important for the body. Called versatile because this substance helps chemical processes in nerve cells, helps absorption of fat, and maintains cell membrane structure. In addition, choline is also useful in helping muscle movement, sleep, study, and remembering. A study revealed that the benefits of sweet potato extract as well as anti-inflammatory and antidote to free radicals.
Beta carotene
This substance not only gives a bright color to sweet potatoes, but also provides many benefits. Beta carotene plays a role in delaying aging and protecting the body from various diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and asthma. Beta carotene in the body is converted into vitamin A. Therefore, eating foods containing beta carotene can help prevent and repair eye damage, prevent nerve damage, and strengthen immunity.
Fiber and potassium
Medium-sized sweet potatoes contain 4 grams of fiber and around 438 mg of potassium. It is important to know that sweet potato skins contain these two substances. Although there is a sweet potato skin that is brown, purple, or yellow, the nutritional content remains the same. When consuming sweet potatoes, try not to peel the skin so you can get the maximum benefit.
Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Health
Various risks of disease are thought to be reduced by consuming sweet potatoes regularly. These diseases include:Cancer
As mentioned earlier, the beta carotene content of sweet potatoes allows this food to be useful in preventing cancer. Research shows that beta carotene can reduce the risk of several cancers, such as stomach, breast and kidney cancer.
Again, beta carotene in sweet potatoes has a great role. This substance works together with vitamin C in boosting immunity. Two substances that also have antioxidant properties form a combination of powerful nutrients to support the improvement of the immune system.
High fiber contained in sweet potatoes helps the digestive system become better and prevent constipation.
A study shows that sweet potatoes can reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics. Sweet potatoes are also suspected to reduce cell resistance to insulin and reduce levels of HbA1C in the blood that increases in diabetics. However, the research is still limited to low quality studies and the data still needs to be studied further.
Blood pressure
Eating sweet potatoes can help increase potassium intake. Thus, there is the potential to help reduce blood pressure. But it is recommended to process sweet potatoes by not adding excessive salt, because excess salt (sodium) can cause an increase in blood pressure.
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