For couples who are eager to get a baby but never come, maybe fertility therapy is the right choice. Especially if a woman's age has exceeded 35 years.
There are many fertility therapy techniques that can be done while undergoing a pregnancy program for couples who experience infertility problems. Determination of which technique is appropriate will be adjusted to the cause of infertility suffered by both partners or one partner. In addition, the determination of fertility therapy also depends on a person's medical history and age.
Types of Fertility Therapy in Pregnancy Programs
In general, fertility therapy is divided into three types. The first is fertility therapy using drugs. The second therapy is surgical procedures. The last way that can be done is by artificial insemination and IVF.Therapy through drugs
The drug used to help the success of the pregnancy program through fertility therapy is clomifene. This drug serves to encourage the release of eggs occurs regularly. These drugs are given to women who experience irregular ovulation or are unable to ovulate at all. For the same problem, tamoxifen might be used as an alternative medicine by doctors.
In addition, to stimulate ovulation in women, can also be given the hormone GnRH (Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone) or dopamine. Gonadotropin hormone can also be given to stimulate ovulation and is useful for increasing male fertility. If the woman has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), then the usual medication given is metformin. PCOS itself is usually characterized by the presence of cysts in the ovary, the irregular ovaries in releasing eggs, and too high levels of androgen hormones in the body.
Fertility therapy through surgery
One operation for fertility therapy is surgery to overcome problems in the fallopian tubes. This operation is carried out if the oviduct is closed or there is a scar due to a previous disease such as an infection or inflammation that causes scar tissue to form in the oviduct.
Surgery may also be needed if there are cells from the uterine lining growing in other areas of the body, called endometriosis. A woman who despite being given medication to treat PCOS but has not yet recovered, can also undergo surgical procedures. Surgery to treat PCOS is commonly referred to as ovarian diathermy.
Another problem that interferes with a woman's fertility and can be treated with surgery is fibroids or myoma. Surgery to remove fibroids will be considered if other causes of infertility cannot be found.
Surgery in fertility therapy can also be done on men. This can be done when sperm is inhibited by abnormalities in the epididymis (sperm storage) in the testis. Surgery is also needed to treat varicose testes in men with abnormal sperm counts.
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