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5 Fruits for a Special Diet to Lose Weight

There are three advantages that fruit plays an important role in the success of your weight loss program, namely the amount of fiber it has, high in vitamins and minerals, and low calorie and fat content. This is why fruit for a diet can be a healthy choice. The content of fiber in the fruit for the diet is considered to help anyone who intends to lose weight because it can make you feel full longer. In addition, the abundance of vitamins and minerals makes fruit have a special role as a diet support.

Various Fruit Choices for Diet

To succeed in a diet to lose weight, some of these fruits are strongly recommended for consumption.
  • Apple

  • This fruit is the right snack for anyone who is undergoing a body-thinning program. One apple on average contains 5 grams of fiber, and 85 percent is water. High content of fiber and water is what keeps blood sugar stable, and makes you not hungry fast. Another advantage possessed by apples as a fruit for the diet is to contain a flavonoid called quercetin. The content that is also an antioxidant is important because it is predicted to be effective in fighting certain types of cancer, reducing cell damage, helping to nourish the lungs, heart, and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Grapefruit

  • The fruit for this diet is more commonly known as the grapefruit or pomelo. This fruit is very helpful in losing weight, especially for those who are at risk of developing diabetes. This fruit is also good for maintaining healthy heart and blood vessels. Half of the fruit is predicted to be able to reduce weight by 1.5 kg if consumed before eating regularly for three months. Grapefruit helps a person lose weight by causing the effect of feeling full. Meanwhile, the function of burning fat which is said to have this fruit, has not been proven. One thing to note is to be careful to eat this fruit if it is undergoing treatment. It is recommended to consult a doctor whether this fruit affects the effects of the drugs consumed.
  • Blueberries

  • The blue color in this fruit is a powerful antioxidant called anthocyanin. These substances are predicted to reduce the risk of some types of cancer, heart disease, and blindness. For diets, blueberries are rich in fiber which can help a person feel full longer. In addition, this fruit also has a low calorie content. In 100 grams of serving, this fruit only contains 80 calories, but the fiber it contains can reach 4 grams.
  • Avocado

  • Avocados contain good fats in the form of oleic acid which is a monounsaturated fat. The amount of good fat content in this fruit is useful for delaying hunger. Its ability to help control blood sugar levels makes those who consume it feel full longer. This type of fat is also predicted to be good for heart health and can reduce blood cholesterol levels and increase the amount of good fat (HDL). In addition to the high content of good fats, avocados are also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In one half of the fruit for this diet contains about 4.6 grams of fiber, folate, and vitamin B6. It also contains a lot of potassium, which is around 345 mg.
  • Banana

  • To lose weight, bananas can be recommended as a healthy food that can delay hunger while increasing the body's metabolism. In addition, bananas are fruits that are free of fat, cholesterol, and low in sodium, but are still rich in vitamins and minerals.
For anyone who is undergoing a weight loss program, try consuming fruit for the diet above. If combined with a good eating schedule, do not consume junk food and excessive alcoholic beverages, and actively exercise, then the potential for successful diet will be higher. Consult your doctor or nutritionist to get fruit choices for other diets.


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